Alphabet Song B for Bird, C for Cloud And S for Sky, Stars, and Cynthia. S for Steed, T for Time. U is YOU, and I represents ME. Assumed that both we can't see, Is called LOVE. K for Kitty, L for Leviathan. There would be Hills and Trees at far. This is WORDS. They’re the vast, where we as vessels flow through. Memories are loaded by us, And wrinkling minds. This is Cipher. That Is Alphabet, means the world. At times would be pondered, Sometimes we'll rather not. Even so, always be THERE. May be mean, Never will it come lies. Lies are such sincere, Just like us. G for GOOD, also stands for EVIL. I'm not sure if there is a God, Maybe seems like in our own images. Perhaps shall believe, Still now I can't tell. This is a MAN, who Ought to own name, Be addressed, loved, Known and marked, Savaged or humanized. I wish you were unlike me, Could live alone in Hope and struggle. I...
文字存放所。 (詩,雜文,心得,翻譯和碎碎唸。 草稿和瑣碎的念頭等等。) 網誌說明: 十二無記,漢傳作十四無記、巴利文三藏中作十無記。在佛教裡,無記(avyākṛta)指無法分辨,指《中阿含經.箭喻經》中,尊者鬘童子向釋迦牟尼佛提出的幾組哲學性問題。 如:世有常?世無有常?世有底?世無底?命即是身?為命異身異?如來終?如來不終?如來終不終?如來亦非終亦非不終? 佛陀認為:此非義相應,非法相應,非梵行本,不趣智、不趣覺、不趣涅槃……是為不可說者則不說,可說者則說。 煩惱那些沒有答案的問題,是我還滿常做的事。