All Is Found 找回一切 Where the north wind meets the sea 北風與海相遇之處 There's a river full of memory 那裡有條河滿載記憶 Sleep, my darling, safe and sound 睡吧,我的寶貝,安心地 For in this river all is found 隨著河音,一切都會找到 In her waters, deep and true 她的水流,既深且真 Lie the answers and a path for you 藏著許多回答並為你指路 Dive down deep into her sound 潛入她的聲音中 But not too far or you'll be drowned 但別過於深入,否則妳將沉溺。 Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear 是的,她會為諦聽者而唱 And in her song, all magic flows 所有魔法都流淌於她的歌中 But can you brave what you most fear? 但妳能否勇於面對最深的畏怖? Can you face what the river knows? 能否正視河流全知的那些? Where the north wind meets the sea 北風與海相遇之處 There's a mother full of memory 那裡有位媽媽滿懷記憶 Come, my darling, homeward bound 來吧,我的寶貝,歸來母鄉吧 When all is lost, then all is found 當一切迷亡時,一切終將被找回。
文字存放所。 (詩,雜文,心得,翻譯和碎碎唸。 草稿和瑣碎的念頭等等。) 網誌說明: 十二無記,漢傳作十四無記、巴利文三藏中作十無記。在佛教裡,無記(avyākṛta)指無法分辨,指《中阿含經.箭喻經》中,尊者鬘童子向釋迦牟尼佛提出的幾組哲學性問題。 如:世有常?世無有常?世有底?世無底?命即是身?為命異身異?如來終?如來不終?如來終不終?如來亦非終亦非不終? 佛陀認為:此非義相應,非法相應,非梵行本,不趣智、不趣覺、不趣涅槃……是為不可說者則不說,可說者則說。 煩惱那些沒有答案的問題,是我還滿常做的事。